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 Best Neighbors A Person Can Ever Have



Mike and Kelly
They live across the street.  They are the most amazing people you will every know.  We go out together.  We watch their daughter and they watch our kids for us.  Mike even lets me use his truck when I have to go to the city dump.  Where can you find people that good?  As a matter of fact, Mike helped me put up my new basketball hoops.


Jodi & Mike

They live next to mike and Kelly.  Mike is the principal of a high school in new haven.  Jodi is a Spanish teacher. When we go away on vacation they will watch over the house and pick up all our mail for us. We do the same for them when they go away.


Deb and the Kids

They live next to Jodi & Mike.  Their kids are close in age with our kids.  Really good people.  On warm summer days they come over with the kids and we have the neighborhood baseball game.  You’ll like them too.


John & Maria

Two of the hardest working people I know.  Both are nurses. Boy did they get me out of a jam one day.  My son got hurt playing with his brothers.  I ran straight to John and Maria.  They were able to bandage him up and I will never forget that.  Thanks Guys.


Stuart & Melissa. 

They live up the street from us.  They have a great family.  Their son Nate plays with our kids every week.  Lizzy, baby-sits for us whenever she is home from school. Really nice to have a babysitter that lives next door.


Mona & Steve

They live up the street. Their kids are grown and out of the house.  But again, what a wonder family they are.  I don’t get a chance to see them that much, but when we do we have the best conversations.  These guys are awesome and you will like them. 


Maria and Vincent

They live up the street and have 4 boys.  To give you an idea how wonderful they are, their son calls us mom and dad 2.  We cook burgers on the grill for them all the time.  You will love this family


Karl and Joy

What can we say about them?  Absolutely wonderful.  They have three girls.  They come by here all the time.  Karl is hilarious.  If you like to laugh, then he will have you in stitches by the end of the afternoon.  What a wonderful group of people.


That’s the neighborhood and sad to say we are leaving.  It was a tough decision for us…But our loss is your gain.


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193 Magee Dr
Hamden, CT 06514